Biscotti di Prato

That’s Italian for ‘so easy, even I can make it’—as my kids will tell you, I daydream too much in the kitchen. However, it’s December, so I’m required to produce this favorite, using a recipe from a former manager, who learned it at a famous Italian cooking school.
You can do it!

4 ½ C flour – reserve ¼ C
2 ¼ C sugar
4 large eggs
1t vanilla

grated lemon peel  — the one time a year I use this
1T honey — this is what make this recipe different
1T baking powder — powder; do not substitute refrigerator deodorizer
1 large package blanched almonds — cheapest = Trader Joe’s slivered almonds

Combine sugar & eggs (1 at a time).
Work quickly: Add almonds & salt.
Next baking powder, lemon peel, vanilla, honey.
Then flour, 1 C at a time.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Knead into soft dough (that reserved ¼ C flour goes on the counter now).
Clean your hands w/ flour. Then divide dough into 3 long sausage shapes.
Ask your inner 12-year-old to ignore the X-rated shape of the shaped rolls.
Arrange on a greased-&-dusted baking sheet and flatten to ¾” in height.
Brush milk or egg on top.
Bake  for 25 minutes.
Turn the sheet after 15 minutes, so they brown evenly.
If you are a daydreamer, set a loud timer.
Remove, cool on a rack. Then slice and rebake for 5 minutes.

You could dip in chocolate to be fancy.
You could add tiny chocolate chips to the batter.

Complication: This tastes like the best raw cookie dough ever.
However, if you must taste, mixing the eggs with sugar at high speed cooks the eggs.
So you won’t die.

If saved in a closed container or in the freezer, these last forever.
That is, if there’s no one home to eat them, or if you hide them somewhere.
Makes about 4 dozen, depending on how thick you slice them and how much of the dough you ate.

OK, off to find where I stashed the dorky teddy bear angel that belongs atop the tree.

About anniepearson

Author of Chaos House, plus the Restoration Rules and Rain City series; managing editor of Jugum Press.

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